
Polka Dot Luggage Is All the Rage

If you have been asleep a lot lately, you may have not noticed, but there is a rage going on in the United States. That rage is all about polka dot luggage and bags. For those of us that can remember, back in the fifties this type of stuff, bags, shoes, clothes and luggage were all the rage and then like so many other things, the fade of this luggage just faded away.

Luggage Set

But not anymore, all over many airports in the world you will find luggage, bags and even some 60s style polka dot clothes. Some people find it offensive, but now days it seems like no matter what you do, some one will complain about it. Well this kind of luggage is having its days again.

The great thing about this luggage for travelers is when your luggage comes out, you can spot it(along with everyone else) as there are not that many luggage sets out there yet. Most of the luggage is the boring black or brown ugly bags. But if you like style, which guys mostly do not have, the girls are using this luggage and loving it. Giving a little style and attitude to their luggage needs. And of course this luggage comes in all kinds of styles and colors from bright pink, my daughters favorite to glossy black or red. Again, polka dot luggage is giving an old style, luggage, a new look.

So the next time you are thinking of buying luggage, you might consider polka dot luggage and see if it is right for you.

Polka Dot Luggage Is All the Rage


Personalized Luggage Tags

As the luggage rolls by on the carousel for the third time you might suddenly realize that lots of people have your taste very similar to your own. You might also wonder if there isn't some way to make your own luggage stand out. Personalized luggage tags can make your bags sparkle with their own unique color and class.

Luggage Set

Make your own tags

You can create your own tags. All you need is a pen, paper and some drawing stencils to design one of a kind luggage tag. For instance, if you are headed to Hawaii you could design a drawing of palm trees and a sunset, which would add a fun touch to your travels.

There is also software that can help you create and print out whatever sized personalized luggage tags you need. You can even find such programs that will let you print photos or your own designs on the tags. The only drawback is this will be on paper, and the thickness must fit in your printer. You can't print out thicker tags so you will need to carry extras if the trip causes wear and tear on your tags so you can replace torn or missing ones. Printing your own is the least expensive way to personalize luggage tags, but it does take a little skill, patience and time.

Stationary Tags

Many stationary shops or websites will help you design and make your own customized luggage tags. Usually these sites or shops will be set up for you to crop photos, scan or load designs you want to be on your tag. The nice part of using stationary shops or sites is the ease and low cost of getting the tags. Even through these tags will be on a wear-resistant paper you can also pick up plastic holders for the tags at the same time. The plastic holder will keep your tags from being torn, being exposed to moisture, or falling off your luggage.

Leather Tags

Leather personalized luggage tags look elegant, but aren't as expensive as you might believe. These tags can show your name, address, and telephone number embossed in gold or silver. You will need to add flight information if necessary on a separate paper tag.

Metal, silver or gold tags

Your information can be engraved or etched onto a variety of metals to give a distinctive look for your luggage tags. Thick rounded silver identification tags can look stately. A solid square of gold with your name and personal info makes a strong statement that this is your luggage and no one else's. A leather handle for these tags completes the picture of a seasoned and serious traveler.

The next time you are scanning the spinning luggage in front of you spotting your unique tags easily will make your travel much shorter and your trip more stress free.

Personalized Luggage Tags


Law Of Attraction: Letting Go Of The Excess Baggage

Many people who have heard of the law of attraction are very much interested to use it to manifest their wants, be it a better job, a nice house, a loving partner or perhaps for want of more money. It is important to believe that the law of attraction will definitely work to manifest whatever you want as long as you follow the following simple mathematical formula:

Luggage Set


However, before you get started to set up the formula to work in your favor, you will have to conduct some housekeeping. Nope, it is not about cleaning your home, though having a clean home would indeed enhance the flow of positivity in you. It is actually a housekeeping you do on yourself in order to clear your thoughts and emotions that may limit you from successfully attracting whatever you want.

Doing a housekeeping on yourself will get rid of all your excess baggage and allow you to start being the person that you truly are. Getting rid of excess baggage simply means freeing the tremendously heavy burden off your shoulder that's attracting negative emotions such as fear, self-doubt and anger. The law of attraction is all about 'like attracts like' and these negativities attract the opposites of what you truly desire.

You can start this housekeeping process by spending some time in reflection to rediscover yourself. Simplest is to make a note of all the self-discoveries as you go along. It can be anything that comes to your mind like how you feel about yourself, assessing your behavioral patterns, evaluating the traumas that are still troubling you as well as where and how you could start to renew your outlook and life goals.

Many people carry around with them all sorts of burdens from the past for so long that it is not unusual for them to cling on to them unconsciously. It has blended into their thoughts and actions that they've simply forgotten how to let them go. In order for your thoughts and emotions to flow positively and delivered to the Universe with the right vibrations, you will have to let go of all the excess baggage that's dragging you down every day.

In order to release all the unconscious burdens or traumas that have been weighing you down, the following five tips should be able to help you process the notes you made earlier and start on your clean-up.

Be accountable: First and foremost, you will have to be accountable for the changes you are going to make in your life. Once you have made that commitment to yourself, do not procrastinate. Stick with it with determination and perseverance. Remember, you are changing for yourself.

Enlist support: If you do not feel the confidence at being accountable to yourself, you can enlist the support of a loved one, friend or mentor who will be your pillar of strength. Let them in on your intention and its importance to you. This person will be able to make you accountable better to yourself because of their concern for you.

Defocus and refocus: There are burdens that simply drain away your energy but you have to learn to shift your focus away from them. If they had not gone away after all this while, they are not going away anytime soon. Stop focusing on the things you can't change at the moment. You can return to them later when you are more prepared but meanwhile, shift your focus to things that can be easily changed and will keep you motivated.

Love and respect yourself: No matter what shortcomings you've discover about yourself, make peace with yourself. Be grateful that you have discovered them now and know that you are worthy of change you have planned for yourself. The love and respect you have for yourself will power you to make the positive changes.

Give yourself time: Remember that you have been conditioned into who and what you are over many years. It takes time to change. So if you begin to feel overwhelmed by the demands you are making on yourself, take a step back and slow down. It would be good to enjoy the housekeeping process in order to appreciate yourself more. There's no such thing as overnight success here.

If you are intent on making the law of attraction work for you, think about how you can improve your life by making the changes happen. Getting rid of any excess baggage is a good start towards an unhindered subconscious mind and giving it a fresh list of instructions. You are telling your subconscious mind that you are ready to move forward to a positive stage in your life. So start letting go today and start living a better and happier life!

Law Of Attraction: Letting Go Of The Excess Baggage


Avoid Packing Problems

Airlines are feeling the economic pinch and passing costs down to the passengers by way of luggage restrictions. Overseas flights are being limited to 2 pieces of checked baggage. How does one pack these days to make the most of your vacation wardrobe and still allow room in your bags to bring home the bargains you find during your travels?

Luggage Set

Most people pack too much! Pack smart.

Tip #1 - Take 2 suitcases but pack one inside another. Only fill the inside one with things for your trip, and that will allow you the space on the return flight in the second bag for those items you pick up like souvenirs or the clothes you can't resist while shopping.

Tip#2 - Weigh your luggage before you leave. Find soft-sided luggage that is light-weight. You will be surprised how heavy some of those bags are just empty! Avoid the extra charges at the airline scales by knowing that your suitcase is within the limits.

Tip #3 - Pack lightweight items. Think of your clothes in terms of weight. Do you really need to pack a terry robe or do you have a cotton lounger that will double as a cover-up by the pool as well as a robe in the room? When going to tropical countries you should think seersucker, cotton or rayon. They wash out quickly, and often dry on a hanger overnight.

Try to find materials that are soft and "crush resistant", but don't worry, nearly all hotels these days can provide you with an iron!

Tip #4 - Utilize your wardrobe. There are ways to stretch your fashion look, by mixing and matching. Think of colors that work well together so you can mix your pieces as many ways as possible. Also think of ways to get multiple uses out of an item:

Pull a cotton skirt over your bathing suit, tie a soft scarf at the waist, and you are set to shop.

Use a white blouse as a cover-up on the beach, as well as over another top in place of a sweater for cooler days.

Walking shorts are more versatile than "short shorts". They can go to the golf club, the mall or to the night clubs.

A simple sun dress can be worn day or dressed up for evening, and so can a skirt.

Tip #5 - Always pack a simple plastic bag. Use it for any wet garments that need to go in your suitcase, for bringing home your soiled laundry or for holding your dusty shoes

Tip #6 - Speaking of shoes- try to keep it simple. One pair of neutral sandals will take you almost anywhere day or night, and wear your good walking shoes on the plane so that the weight does not go in the suitcase. Your feet will thank you if you have to chase down a taxi, or be on your feet during connecting flights.

Tip #7 - Accessorize! The way to change looks is in the secret of accessorizing. That white blouse that you wore tied at the waist over your bathing suit also looks great paired with linen walking shorts, and a fabulous necklace. The little knit top that you wore yesterday with your shorts, now looks different paired with your skirt and bangles on your wrist.

Tip #8 - As you lay out each clothing piece when you pack, coordinate the jewelry that ties it all together. Think earrings, bracelets, scarf and necklaces that will change each look, or compliment the outfit. Here, too, keep it simple and think minimalism.

Tip #9 - Sample list of a woman's standard wardrobe to pack for 1 week:

2 swimsuits ( one piece and 2 piece)

2 pair walking shorts (neutral colors)

1 light-weight skirt

2 knit tops (1 sleeveless)

1 white or cream-colored blouse

1 pair seersucker or soft knit pants

1 sun dress

PJ's (optional!)

Tip #10 - Concentrate on the experience of your vacation rather than the limitations of your wardrobe. It's all about having fun, and that does not mean stressing over what to wear! The fewer the choices, the easier you will find it to pick an outfit. Besides, there are all those great purchases just waiting in the shops you will visit!

Happy holidays, and bye-bye baggage blues!

Avoid Packing Problems


Delsey Luggage - Exceptional Quality at a Reasonable Price

Is your next grand vacation in the works? Have you prepared everything you need, most especially your luggage? If you are currently looking for the most portable, lightweight luggage around, consider Delsey Luggage. With their century-long existence in the industry, they have already made a trusted name for themselves. When it comes to quality suitcase and luggage, this brand comes first. As a matter of fact, Delsey luggage has a good following of happy clients all over the world.

Luggage Set

Here are some Delsey Luggage basic facts:

Desley ranks second as the best luggage manufacturer in the industry right now. They manufacture over 4 million sets of luggage every year for the public to enjoy. They ship worldwide to almost a hundred countries. Their lightweight luggage comes in two designs, the soft-side and the hard-side types.

More than the regular luggage sets, Delsey also makes toiletry cases, carry-on pieces, duffel bags, and cabin-sized trolleys. They also have computer and laptop cases for business travelers. When it comes to variety, Desley is a name to beat.

Another reason why you should consider a Delsey luggage is their superior warranty program and customer service. They want to make sure that every customer is happy with their products. Therefore, they would do everything to create quality luggage with guarantees and warranties all for the buyer's benefit.

As much as possible, Delsey wouldn't want their customers worrying about luggage repairs. And so they test their products rigorously before taking them out of production - from zippers to locks to covers - up until they meet the company's strict quality standards. Lightweight as they are, Delsey luggage can very well withstand all your intense traveling requirements.

Delsey luggage is sold per piece, unlike other brands which are sold in a set. Delsey's most popular line is the Helium luggage. These ones are 35% lighter than all other luggage of its type sold today. Most travelers go for lightweight luggage these days because it saves them from the high excessive luggage weight that the airport charges these days.

Delsey Luggage - Exceptional Quality at a Reasonable Price


Getting Set for Great Airplane Travel

When it comes to Americans, they are constantly trying to see more than what is in the states and it is a beautiful privilege to travel. Keep in mind that international travel is a privilege and you do not have to travel outside of the states. You will find that there are many different people who are traveling and it is hard to keep everyone in line, however, if you follow the international traveling rules than you will at least be able to be worry free about the legal actions that result from breaking some of the rules. It is very wise of any traveler to get familiar with the international air travel rules.

Luggage Set

Many travelers tend to get confused. You will want to make sure that you realize that the rules change as soon as you leave the country. You will find that there are rules for domestic travel and then there are rules for international air traveling and you will want to know what the difference is. You will find that there are some similarities, however, if you do the research and then you learn how to use some common sense along with manners, you will be fine when it comes to traveling outside of the country.

As stated, you will find that there happens to be a number of people who travel. You may find this a horrible thing to think of, but you will need to think about yourself, but of the other people around you. There is no reason for you to feel like the protector or the hero. If you see anything that would link to terrorism, you need to bring the other people to the same attention, but quietly. You also need to keep in mind of your own actions, because if you do not act like a normal human being would act in the fact that this is an age of terrorism with planes, then you should know that you will be detained, arrested, charged, and you could also be physically hurt in the manner.

There are many large airports and sometimes you do find that there are people who are domestic and international patrons, so you will need to keep in mind that the luggage screening will be the same. There are flyers that are advised to act as if you are leaving the country, so that you are not held up in customs because of something that you are not allowed to have. It is best to know the rules and stick with the international air traveling rules so that you can have a smooth and easy flight.

Getting Set for Great Airplane Travel


Airline Baggage Allowance

Every airline has its own strict standards as to the Airline Baggage Allowance. This works by, the airline would set standards for the average baggage allowance per passenger, if the passenger exceeds the limited allowance, the passenger has to pay for the excess weight of the baggage, although some airlines don't charge passengers for the extra weight of the baggage. On U.S. domestic flights, typically, each passenger is allowed to pack up to two (2) pieces of luggage that are 50 pounds (22.7 kilograms) each of which is free of charge, one can exceed for a fee. In 2007, the airlines had to change their baggage allowance, they are now both charging for the first and second bag. The United States used those guidelines for their passenger's baggage allowance, however, in Europe; the limit is as low as 40 pounds (approx. 18 kilograms) of allowable baggage weight per passenger. Many airlines do not allow their passengers to exceed at the given baggage guideline.

Luggage Set

There are some airlines that use these two concepts in their baggage allowance; the Piece concept and the Weight concept. The passenger might be confused with the terms but basically, the Piece concept allows the passengers to check two bags with a per-bag weight of up to 50 pounds (23 kilograms) for Economy Class and up to 70 pounds (32 kilograms) for Business or First Class. Certain airlines operating under the Piece Concept may add additional checked baggage allowance for their Elite Level fliers. While the Weight concept, permits each passenger to check a total bag weight in however many bags they have. Typically, Economy Class is permitted to check in up to 44 pounds (20 kilograms), Business Class is permitted to check in 66 pounds (30 kilograms), and First Class is permitted 88 pounds (40 kilograms). Unlike the Piece Concept, in which weight restrictions are per bag, the Weight Concept allows passengers to combine their bag weight into fewer bags which would otherwise be too heavy to travel under the Piece Concept. To avoid fees, the passenger has to two choices; either he will switch his items to the other suitcases to even out the weight of his baggage. Or the passenger could have his other baggage carry it on.

For a typical passenger, having to think about airline baggage allowance is stressful in itself, especially when one had to shop more than what had one expected from the country or state one had been travelling from. Moreover, airlines had fashioned their airline baggage allowance package deals and promos.

There are also websites on the internet that scout for the best package deals out from the airlines available in each state or country.

Airline Baggage Allowance