
The Graduation Gift I'll Never Forget

As graduation day approaches for many high school and college graduates around the country, I'm reminiscent of the best graduation gift I ever received. While you might think it was a luxury car, some kind of mp3 player, or maybe an expensive computer, it was none of the above. One of the best graduation gifts I ever received - the graduation gift I'll never forget - will probably surprise you.

Luggage Set

I had just graduated from college. The year was...well, that's not important, but let's just say none of my fellow graduates were receiving mp3 players or any other sort of iGift that year. Many actually did receive cars and computers however, and I would have loved to receive one too, but the graduation gift I remember most that year was a hand-me-down from my grandfather.

After all the hoopla of graduation was over, after I marched across the stage and I received my diploma, and after I went out to dinner with my family, my grandpa invited me over to his house to open my gift. Never one for fancy paper or bows, the gift was packaged in a plain brown cardboard box and taped shut with duct tape. After struggling through that seemingly impenetrable duct tape, I was surprised to see my grandfather's old leather duffle bag. I had seen him use it to store many things over the years as a child, but had never really given it a second thought.

At first I was a little offended. I would have much rather preferred one of the beautiful leather padfolios or leather desk sets my colleagues had received to start them off at their new jobs, but I held my tongue. "Thanks gramps, this'll be great for my trip next month," I sighed. I did not want to take the bag with me on my trip through Europe, but I knew it would be his turn to be offended if I didn't.

As I grabbed my nylon and plastic suitcase from the baggage claim the very first day of my European tour, I heard a horrifying rip. The entire zipper had separated itself from the suitcase, leaving my t-shirts, shorts, and unmentionables strewn all over the ground. Luckily, I had used my grandfather's leather duffle bag as a carry-on, and after some careful re-packing, I was good to go. That bag went everywhere with me that summer - through the Louvre, up the Eiffel tower, down the Venetian canals, and to about 20 different hostels - and it didn't fail me once.

When I got back from my trip I told my grandpa all about my trip and how his, now my, leather duffle bag had saved the day! Reliving all my adventures with him was almost as good as experiencing them the first time around. Grandpa's not around anymore, but I still remember his graduation gift, the best gift I ever received, as well as the time I spent with him afterward.

So this year, before you stuff an envelope with money or buy the latest gadget for the graduate in your life, think about their plans. Will they be travelling after high school or college? Why not get them a gift that they'll be sure to use for many years down the road? Consider buying leather luggage, backpacks or bags as graduation gifts this year.

The Graduation Gift I'll Never Forget

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